Great Platform for High-Throughput and Convenient Serum Cytokine Profiling

Graduate Student


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Eve Technologies

Service Provided:

Mutiplex cytokine and chemokine profiling (discovery assays)

The nutritional composition of diet fundamentally modulates core physiological systems, including whole-body metabolic programs and the immune system – the mammalian defense to challenges against homeostasis. Ketogenic diets (KDs) are extremely high in fats and very low in carbohydrates (calories 90% from fat, 10% from protein, and less than 0.1% from carbohydrates) that rewire whole-body metabolism. This metabolic adaptation improves many physiological processes including aging, thermogenesis, and glucose homeostasis. However, the effects of KDs on the immune system remain less explored. Thus, the overall objective of my PhD studies will be to elucidate how diets, particularly KD, affect the immune response in adaptive and maladaptive contexts.

Experimental Design and Results Summary

Downstream Applications

N/A. Direct readout would be cytokine concentrations


2-3 weeks

Nature of Service

Mutiplex cytokine and chemokine profiling

Technical Service

Great and fast-responsive technical support by both emails and phone calls.


Serum samples are required to ship on dry ice to Canada. Be careful when shipping for the first time.

Results Summary

Fast turnaround time and the results are reliable.



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The Good

The panel is customizable. 44 different types of cytokines and chemokines can be measured from only 100 ul serum sample.

The Bad

It gets pricy when you have a large quantity of samples.

The Bottom Line

Convenient service for multiple chemokines and cytokines profiling.

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